> Master-Seal
The Master-Seal Surface Applied Waterproofing System is:
- The result of more than 20 years of investigation and field testing.
- Manufactured with the best synthetic rubber emulsions available in the industry.
- Specially designed for tropical climates, horizontal roofs with minimum slope and drainage where water ponding is prevalent.
- Resistant to foot traffic and reduces interior temperatures.
Master-Seal is comprised of three (3) specialized products (reinforced with a fiberglass or polyester mesh):
- Master-Seal Roof Primer. A thin liquid formulated to penetrate porous surfaces to seal and provide a strong surface bond. It cures to a tough, flexible film, clear in apperance.
- Master-Seal Roof Sealer. A heavy, thick liquid used to seal cracks and crevices. Designed to cure fast to a tough and flexible waterproofing film of semi-transparent red color.
- Master-Seal Roof Coating. A heavy, thick liquid that also seals, protects and prolongs the roof life. Designed to cure to a tough, flexible film of an attractive white glossy finish. Also helps reduce interior temperatures.
- Reinforcement Mesh. Provides outstanding strength and durability for the membrane to resist prevalent water ponding and foot traffic.
- Polyester Fabric
- Fiberglass Fabric
When this system is applied systematically over the surface, it forms a monolithic, seam-free membrane with outstanding water proofing characteristics and durability. A sample of the Master-Seal system applied over a concrete substrate is pictured below.